{ Dear God, What Does Prayer Look Like to You? }

Dear God,

What does prayer look like to You?


Do You see our prayers like a cloud, rising?

Or do petitions position themselves like pinpoints on a map?


Do you hear them or feel them or

Did you already answer before the world began?


Does prayer turn Your heart like a stream of water?

Does it make You turn Your head and notice us?


Do You ever shake your head and decide it’s a no-go because you see the whole picture and it won’t work out best that way?

Do you wish we would understand?


Do prayers collect like sand in an hourglass?

Like rain in a bucket?

Like tears on a pillow?


What does prayer look like to You?



His promises are true / Romans 4:21

He never changes / Malachi 3:6 & Hebrews 13:8

He is always good / Psalm 145:9


Photos from Unsplash