{ Family 4th of July }

We braved a stormy 4th of July forecast and were rewarded.  God gave us a beautiful day and even the mosquitoes were respectfully absent until dusk.

Our ambitious and hospitable friends host an annual Independence Day picnic, which includes:

1. The Dessert Contest.  Three of my girls entered desserts, including a patriotic pie and decorated s’mores brownies. And, these cute little eagles were made by my oldest daughter.

Using melted white chocolate chips as the “glue”, these coconut-covered marshmallows are sitting on an Oreo platform. Thanks, Pinterest.




2. The Family Games: 3-legged races, gunny-sack races, balloon toss, family relay and tug-o-war.

My husband emcees the games. This is not a bad thing. His game-coordinator-job gets me out of the couples’ 3-legged race.

So my sister-in-law Susie and I competed together in the balloon toss….and won it!

It was only a balloon toss.  But, since I seldom win these little contests, it stood out as a landmark victory.

We are pictured below with our giddy smiles, cradling our winning pink balloon.


3. The Husband & Wife Blindfolded Pudding Race.  My husband and I did not win this. But we are still speaking to each other, so I consider it a success.

4. The Dunk Tank. This was a new addition to the annual picnic. The dunk tank was a fundraiser, brilliantly dreamed up by my husband.  He coerced shamed coaxed several victims into being dunked to raise money for moms in crisis situations.

The dunkees actually seemed to enjoy their starring roles, but my husband was not among them. Someone had to hold the money jar.

That’s the man I love.

The day also included patriotic hymn-singing, special music, a potluck (that’s when we get to eat all those scrumptious desserts) and fireworks!

Our father’s God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King!

Last verse of our country’s national hymn, My Country, ‘Tis of Thee.

Find out more about the  FIRST YEAR OF LIFE project….


Fireworks photo credit:

Stephanie McCabe

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